Here’s the REAL STORY of WHY we make these videos!
Rob and Eric explain how YOU ARE EXPOSED! One insurer’s plan is PROGRESSIVELY BACKWARD!
HORROR REPAIR of a RARE VEHICLE!! Rob and Eric share the details of a very rare vehicle that gets RUINED by an “INSURANCE PREFERRED SHOP”.
Strong Language Warning: MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH – Rob and Eric share the FACTS about what vehicle manufacturers are warning body shops about when considering using aftermarket or salvage parts.
Rob and Eric share insider information about the secret body shop partnerships with insurers that keep YOU at a DISADVANTAGE.
Insurance companies and their partners (and there are many of them) are actively working AGAINST YOU. Rob and Eric take you behind the scenes and into the dark, smoke-filled room where deals are being made – and NONE OF IT is good for you! Welcome to the CABAL!
In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric ask (and answer) the question: Aftermarket Diagnostic Tools – WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Eric and Sean discuss a paper trail of what certainly appears to be a bad faith estimate of hail damage to a guest’s vehicle.
Rob and Eric shed light on the top 3 (and one bonus) insurance company tactics designed to let them keep more of your money – the money they owe you to properly repair your vehicle!
Rob and Eric take you on a journey through one guest’s vehicle valuation report, generated by a third-party company hired by the insurance company. Curious – maybe criminal? – things appear on the report, and the guest calls them out on it.
Rob and Eric wrap up their discussion on a major insurance company’s decision to NOT PAY in the case of performing a repair the way it must be done. Popularity contest vs proper repair.
Rob and Eric discuss why most independents don’t do this right.
BEHIND THE SCENES: What Insurers REALLY SAY! In this Episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob ad Eric discuss the actual language used by insurers and adjusters behind the scenes. And some of it is just… ridiculous.
From bad to worse insurer recommendations. Rob shares his thoughts about the advice well-meaning people offer to a woman whose insurance rates increased by $7000! Don’t add insult to injury! Avoid bad advice about insurers.
Rob and Eric shine the light on an article published by Repairer Driven News that tells the story of a lawsuit claiming negligence across multiple businesses that resulted in the death of a young mother of two. The guys ask the hard-to-ask question: How many more will die?
Rob and Eric want you to know: WE GOT THE MESSAGE! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, the guys read several of your comments, and give their opinions about all of them.
Rob and Eric ask the question, what happens when your insurer becomes your enemy? Join the guys as they share actual conversations with an insurer responsible for making one of their customers whole… and see EXACTLY what they think about Rob asking even the simplest of questions.
Used vs New – What Does LKQ REALLY MEAN?? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric take a deep dive into the meaning of LKQ – and why insurance companies LOVE to use that language in your policy!
Rob and Eric peel back the layers of a common phrase in the insurance industry: Prevailing Competitive Rates. What does it mean to you? Tune in to find out!
These Could Save Your Life! Rob and Eric do a little research and share very valuable information about airbag sensors that are rarely being replaced – even though they should be replaced every time a door panel has been repaired.
Rob and Eric ask – and answer – the question: How do you repair something you cannot see? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob plays detective as he hunts down a 3-layered mystery on a 2022 Toyota Highlander.
Rob and Eric answer your questions: Why are your insurance rates GOING UP?
When did THAT become ok? Eric and Rob discuss the statistics of the new CCC Crash Course Report – and the findings are STARTLING to say the least!
THE INSURER IS STICKING IT TO YOU! What Can You Do? In this episode of the Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric share the story of a BRAND NEW LEXUS and it’s owner, whose insurer is sticking it to them. This vehicle has 1,500 miles on it – and there’s a $3,500 discrepancy between the correct repair plan and the insurance company’s estimate.
In this episode of the The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric report on the New York Times article that claims your vehicle manufacturer may be leaking information (by way of data brokers) to your insurance company, which in turn is using that information to justify raising your premiums.
Mega Insurer won’t pay!! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Eric reports the news of not one, but two class-action lawsuits that are currently happening in Illinois and Georgia.
A powerful tool that you should have – The Appraisal Clause. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric breal down the value of this little-known clause in many insurance policies.
2024 Insurer Report Card by CRASH NETWORK. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric discuss the best (and worst) insurance companies as they are rated by body shop owners and managers all over the country.
Rob and Eric share a story of a botched repair job on a relatively new car that was taken to not one, but TWO DRP insurance partner body shops.
Rob and Eric cry FOUL! An unbelievable attack by someone who is supposed to be a professional leaves Rob speechless. The guys peel back the layers of deception and desperation on the part of one insurance company’s adjuster, who took it upon himself to slander Nylund’s Collision Center on the most public forum on earth. Without a shred of supporting evidence, one man declared war against Nylund’s, against everything we stand for, against the correct repair… and most importantly, AGAINST YOU – THE CONSUMER!
REPAIR DELAYS (AGAIN!) – WHY THEY’RE HAPPENING. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric break down current news from around the world, (and right here at home) and share what’s really happening behind the scenes and what’s causing more delays in the collision repair process.
If you don’t have this rider… bad things happen!! Rob and Eric tell the story of a BRAND NEW 2024 Subaru that was crushed from behind. The insurance adjuster wrote a pathetic estimate, and we make the case for why everyone should pay just a little bit more to get an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts rider for their policies.
Gregory Grieve joins Eric for an enlightening discussion about what happens everyday with insurers, behinds the scenes in the collision industry.
BALANCE BILLING: Understanding a Surprise Bill From Your Body Shop – In this first episode of the 4th season of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob Grieve and Eric Reamer compare medical insurance to property insurance.
What’s most important when looking for a body shop? Join Eric Reamer and Robert Gallegos for a candid discussion about the most important thing you should do or know before you need the services of a collision center or body shop.
Who’s validating that the shop that you are choosing is the best for you and your vehicle? Rob and Eric take you behind the scenes of a manufacturer’s audit – and why it matters so much to your safety and the quality of your repair.
Rob and Eric share their 2023 Gratitude list and wish their viewers Merry Christmas!
Insurance Says “TAKE IT BACK TO THE SCENE OF THE CRIME”?!? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric update you on the story of the brand new, 2023 Subaru Forester that was MORE DAMAGED by the cut-rate insurance puppet body shop than it was by the accident!
RISKY BEHAVIOR – Are You Guilty? AAA Survey Says Most People ARE!
They Cared Enough To DO THE VERY LEAST! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer update you on the story of the brand-new Subaru that was t-boned and the cut-rate insurance adjuster insisted on ignoring the manufacturer’s procedures for the repair.
Rob and Eric share an article that exposes the deceptive practices of the insurance industry.
Accident? WHAT HAPPENS NOW? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric talk about all the thoughts, decisions, fears and questions that happen immediately after an accident.
In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, the INSURER LIED – AND NOW THEY’RE PAYING! This is a follow-up on drug test for vehicle that we reported on last week. DO NOT TAKE NO FROM THE INSURANCE COMPANY when it comes to your safety!
DON’T TAKE NO For An Answer From Your Insurer! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances (Ep 147), Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer discuss a recent case of an insurer refusing to pay for a drug test after their insured’s car was stolen, defaced, and recovered.
Rob and Eric discuss the most meaningful award ever!! Nylund’s Collision Center was awarded 2023 BBB Torch Award for Ethics!!
Insurance Preferred = CARELESSLY DANGEROUS REPAIR! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer discuss the post-repair inspection of a 2020 Subaru Ascent that was repaired by an “insurance preferred” body shop. The end result of which is a structural nightmare!
Rob and Eric report the news that the USA’s biggest insurer mandates profits over safety in a memo to their puppet body shop partners.
Rob has a real simple message: Listen Up: DO NOT LET YOUR INSURER DICTATE YOUR VEHICLE REPAIR!
Rob and Eric ask the question: Why do the right parts matter to your vehicle repair?
Rob and Eric offer several confidence builders – how to know it’s the right shop for your car.
Rob and Eric share case after case of botched repairs – and they ALL have one thing in common! Every repair was performed by body shops that are on insurance companies’ referral lists!your vehicle.
Rob and Eric peel back the multiple layers of alleged deception perpetrated by one shop to charge insurance for work that was never done – and in some cases, never even necessary.
Rob and Eric ask, “Are you protected”?? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric discuss one of the huge vulnerabilities associated with the total loss of your vehicle.
That’s the topic of this episode of the Airing of GRIEVEances. Rob and his body shop has been called-out, and the gloves come off as Rob explains himself, leaving no room for misunderstanding!
Rob and Eric ask and answer the question: “How do you know it was repaired correctly?” – This is the story of a ROGUE REPAIR gone horribly, horribly wrong!
Rob and Eric ask the question: Should big insurance obey the law? Where is the Accountability and responsibility?
Rob and Eric ask and answer the question: What Do You Do When “THERE’S NO PROCEDURES FOR THAT”? In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, we take a look at a BMW that cannot be properly repaired because there are no procedures from the OEM.
Rob and Eric discuss radar love… What You NEED TO KNOW About New Technology. The Airing of GRIEVEances episode 133.
People Are FED UP!! Jury Awards XXXX Insured $277 THOUSAND! In this episode of The airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric report on the MASSIVE Texas law suit that ended up with XXXX being held accountable for $277 thousand to one of their insured.
WE DIDN’T SEE THIS COMING!! A Standoff – AND… An Admission. The Airing of GRIEVEances episode 131 shares the story of one insurance adjuster digging in and taking a stand on the meaning of the word, “AND”.
Rob and Eric discuss pre-loss condition. What you don’t know could hurt you!
AMERICA’S MOST SERIOUS CONCERNS When Filing an INSURANCE CLAIM. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric ask ChatGPT what serious concerns most Americans have when it comes to filing an insurance claim.
BUYER BEWARE!! LOST VALUE (The Devil is STILL in the Details!) In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric share yet another story of how the largest insurance company in the US and their partner body shop cut corners to boost their pwn profits – and the expense of the safety and value of their insured’s vehicle.
Rob and Eric say “Welcome to the Pit of [INSURANCE] Despair” as they report the news of consumer DISSATISFACTION with insurance shenanigans.
The “Neighbors” are in the news again. XXXX faces a class-action lawsuit in Florida for its “pattern” of refusing to cover the cost of repairs. This pattern called out by lawyers who claim it’s been a problem dating back to 2018. Many others in the collision industry would suggest that the insurance giant has been practicing this pattern of underpayment for much, much longer.
BUYER BEWARE! National Big Box Dealership SOLD THIS DISASTER!! In this episode of The airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric share the horrific story of disregard for anything but the dealership’s profits.
Bully Insurance Adjuster DENIES HER THOUSANDS and Wastes Her Time! In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric show you line by line the slimy tactics of an equally slimy insurance adjuster – AND HIS SUPERVISOR! If ever you needed proof that your insurance company is trying to outlast your patience, spend all your money, and keep all the profits… look no further!
Insurers Won’t Pay To Repair the VERY THING THAT SAVES THEM MONEY! Rob and Eric dig into the 29-page IIHS report that details the failure of ADAS repairs, and why more than 50% of the ADAS systems that are repaired – fail, and have to be repaired again.
Rob and Eric share the story of this used car calamity! What went wrong? Better yet, what went RIGHT? Red flags were EVERYWHERE!
Rob and Eric continue the story of last week’s video, where DELAYS… NEGLIGENCE… BULLYING… are on the menu for the Caveman! The hits just keep coming!
Rob and Eric take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of their newest post-repair inspection – and you’re not going to believe the twist at the end!
Rob and Eric share unbelievable stories of how some insurance companies manipulate their vehicle valuations to underpay total loss claims.
Rob and Eric discuss the rapid advancement of technology in today’s vehicles, and how some shops don’t know how to fix cars anymore. And just in case you think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, they offer up a recent study that shows only 12% of shops in the US are performing some of the most basic pre-scans necessary to establish a baseline for any repair.
Rob and Eric bring you this real-life story of drug testing drama! One insurance company denies payment for the safety of their insured.
Rob and Eric share valuable information about Post Repair Inspections. Why are they necessary? Find the answers here.
Rob and Eric share the story of one consumer who has had enough when it comes to the botched repair of his truck by a big box body shop and their insurance handlers.
Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer discuss the Body Shop Estimate – What you ABSOLUTELY need to know! Click here for an in-depth article of how to read an estimate.
Rob and Eric expose hidden limits of liability that one insurer is trying to impose on their insured – even though there’s no such language in their policy. At all. Is it legal? Or is it the foundation of a BAD FAITH case?
Rob and Eric discuss what makes some shops significantly different! Not all shops are created equal, and we’ll tell you why!
Rob and Eric review the 2023 “Insurer Report Card” as compiled by Crash Network, and reported by Repairer Driven News.
We took ChatGPT for a test drive! Rob and Eric are on the cutting edge of the technological revolution rocking the world as we know it. How can AI help you? Tune in, chat live and comment with the guys as they explore ChatGPT’s responses to questions that impact YOU as it relates to the collision industry!
Rob and Eric share the news of XXXX and Progressive deciding to no longer insure certain models of Hyundai and Kia vehicles.
Rob and Eric share the tragic story of a couple and their truck – and the horrible “repair” job performed by an “Insurance Preferred” body shop. Buckle up, friends – This ain’t pretty!
Rob and Eric break down what one manufacturer is doing to save your… EARS? Can you hear me now? The Airing of GRIEVEances Ep 107 is all about the technology in your car – that you may not even know is there!
They want an act of Congress for this information – and Rob’s going to tell you why that’s nothing but smoke and mirrors for what’s really going on!
Rob and Eric share yet another great resource for consumers: SCRS’ Consumer Tips on YouTube!
Join Rob and Eric this week as they discuss how “neighborly” one particular insurance company is when it comes to actually making their claimant whole.
Rob and Eric walk through an article in Repairer Driven News that outlines exactly WHO is pushing manufacturers to design and build Advanced Driver Assist Systems into your vehicle… and interestingly enough – that SAME ENTITY REFUSES TO PAY for the proper calibrations of those systems.
Rob and Eric take time to share one of the collision industry greats with you. Honoring a legend in this industry – John Mosley. Merry Christmas from Nylund’s Collision Center and the Airing of GRIEVEances team!
Rob and Eric ask, “did your body shop add these ADAS scans that must be performed”?
In the 100th episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer share the Repairer Driven News story about XXXX and their Select Service (DRP) partners expanding their usage of (ie. directive) aftermarket parts. In the story, (link provided below) XXXX suggests that it will only recommend CAPA Certified aftermarket parts.
Rob and Eric jump into the wayback machine and revisit insurance rates from a year ago, and how they’ve changed since then. Hint: Insurance rates are skyrocketing – and it’s about to happen AGAIN! The guys point you back to a tool that might help you figure out which company is best for you.
Rob and Eric share the scary story of a shop that truly CUT MORE THAN CORNERS in the process of “repairing” a car while completely ignoring all manufacturer’s procedures!
Rob and Eric share the scary story of a shop that truly CUT MORE THAN CORNERS in the process of “repairing” a car while completely ignoring all manufacturer’s procedures!
Rob and Eric show you exactly what a body shop that was torn between OEM certification and Insurance partnership decided to do – and the danger they put a mother and small child in just to make a buck.
Rob and Eric go behind the bumper cover to reveal the real extent of damage that is hidden behind what appears to be a simple repairable bumper cover!
Rob and Eric recount the horror story of yet another butchered repair – but what makes this one ESPECIALLY HEINOUS is the fact that the shop that repaired it was BOTH: OEM Certified AND an Insurance DRP Partner!
Rob shares the details of his recent audit from Lexus – and what he thinks you should know as it relates to the shop you choose to repair your vehicle.
Rob breaks down the actual numbers of the shops that are – and more importantly – ARE NOT performing pre and post scans and calibrations!
Rob and Eric share the startling effects of insurers underpaying claims for their insured!
Sometimes you have to deliver hard news – and Rob and Eric try to be as gentle as possible.
Rob and Eric peel back the curtains of two bills making their way through Congress.
Rob and Eric discuss the legal battle happening in Texas with ramifications all across the country: the right to appraisal.
Rob and Eric shine a level light on some of the negligent practices of less-than-ethical shops and their calibration vendors.
Rob and Eric read a threatening letter from Traveler’s Insurance – and offer REASONABLE, FAIR and HELPFUL advice!
Rob and Eric discuss doing the right thing vs what most other shops would do with the blessing of their insurance handlers.
Rob and Eric report on the news of Allstate getting the attention of the Insurance Commissioner in Georgia for exploiting a legal loophole, allowing them to raise rates by 25% (40% since beginning of the year)!
Rob and Eric report on the technology that goes into the application of paint on today’s vehicles. This is where following the OEM procedures becomes absolutely mandatory!
Rob and Eric are back at it for this week’s Airing of GRIEVEances, and they’re talking about batteries – and what can go wrong if you disconnect or replace your battery without following proper procedures. You may find lots of things go from WORKING to NOT WORKING properly!
Rob Grieve declares: “Estimates are Dead!” In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer officially announce the death of “estimating” – and strongly encourage you to ask intelligent questions of any body shop you might consider to repair your vehicle. If they don’t write a complete repair plan – you should absolutely find another shop that will!
Eric reports on the news of a 17 year old who bought a car for $11,000 and after 6 months, the battery died. Problem #1 – Replacement battery is $14,000. Problem #2 – The car has been discontinued – and so they don’t make the batteries any more.
Rob and Eric chime in with their thoughts on SUBSCRIPTION services for vehicles – coming to a manufacturer near you!
Rob and Eric react to headline that XXXX pays $650,000 to THIER OWN INSURED after refusing to honor a 3-judge ruling against them!
Rob and Eric share the news of the NHTSA investigating Honda vehicles that are braking unintentionally – potentially exposing them to increased risk of accidents.
Rob and Eric set the stage to counter an incorrect comment on last week’s episode: Aftermarket parts are NOT THE SAME as OEM parts – even if they are built by the same manufacturer.
Rob and Eric break down current news about big insurance “testing” aftermarket parts usage in Oklahoma and Texas. The problem is – they state the exact opposite of what their DRP “preferred” partner body shops are saying about the parts shortages the industry is experiencing. Who’s telling the truth?? Rob Grieve is!
Rob and Eric share a major victory for the CLAIMANT against an Insurance Company that is trying to BULLY Nylund’s Guest.
Rob and Eric share a very common occurrence: an insurance company (Say Insurance) tries to bully the victim of an accident caused by their insured. The buck stops here. We share with you many of the details that Say Insurance says they are NOT GOING TO PAY… and Rob’s response to that bunch of manure!
Rob and Eric share a recent news story about the huge percentage of people who TURN OFF their car’s safety systems!
Rob and Eric share the very real pinch of parts shortages and insurance companies who reward themselves while ignoring the unprecedented increase is the cost of living across the boards.
Rob takes Eric on a tour of a 2015 Subaru that one insurance company says is, “REPAIRABLE”.
Rob and Eric are considering the trade school opportunity, while sharing the amazing news of Greg Grieve’s graduation from Ranken Technical College.
Rob and Eric discuss the devastation of the Marshall Fire in Colorado – and the tragedy of being UNDERINSURED!
Rob returns from his trip to Oklahoma, and is packing a bunch of great information for you, the driving public!
Eric reports on what people do, and more importantly, DON’T know about their insurance policies.
Rob and Eric chat about his trip to Kansas City and the Midwest Collision Conference.
While Rob is in Kansas, Eric reports an update on Allstate’s rates.
Rob and Eric discuss the new ruling: the Colorado Supreme Court says NO ACCOUNTABILITY for the adjuster who denies or delays your insurance claim!
Rob and Eric discuss a case study of a dangerous repair. As Rob prepares to speak before 5 collision industry associations, he takes you behind the curtains of one particular case study that came through our doors… and the post-repair inspection that followed.
Rob and Eric discuss the dealership “allegedly” selling stolen and dangerous cars.
Rob and Eric discuss why consumers hate the digital automation of the estimating process.
Rob and Eric discuss the headlines: Honda is suing LKQ Corp – and CAPA just decertified 22 bumper reenforcement bars that may affect tens of thousands of cars still on the road!
Rob and Eric break down the news of Allstate’s interest in raising your premium rates and at the same time cutting their own costs (on your repairs) by leaning heavy on their “partner body shops”.
Rob and Eric discuss the aftermath of a totaled vehicle that has been dangerously “rebuilt”.
Rob and Eric expose yet another example of big insurance cutting corners and cost on your safety.
Rob and Eric discuss a major Honda recall and decertified aftermarket parts for 725,000 very popular vehicles. This is not a drill – and if you’re one of the more than 5,000 people who have aftermarket hoods on your 2019 Honda Passport, 2016-2019 Honda Pilot or 2016-2020 Honda Ridgeline vehicles.
Rob and Eric offer you, our viewers a huge word of thanks for an amazing year full of The Airing of GRIEVEances!
Rob and Eric make it personal as they discuss why it’s so important to know who you are taking your vehicle to… and who to go to when you think things aren’t just right.
Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer discuss the most recent news that Body Shops are – in HUGE NUMBERS – failing their guests! Only 12% of Body Shops Are Performing THIS IMPORTANT PROCEDURE: ADAS Calibration.
Rob and Eric share the news (you’re not going to believe this!) and bring a story of unbelievable negligence on the part of photo estimating.
Rob presents both sides of a decision you will need to make if someone else hit you: Whose insurance should you go through?
Rob and Eric break down the real WHY behind why we make the Airing of GRIEVEances series of videos.
Rob and Eric discuss current news regarding Allstate’s price increase of nearly 7% over the last 6 months. Allstate raises premiums by almost 7%.
Eric and Rob cover some very important elements of what should be on every estimate for Toyota, Lexus and Scion owners!
Rob and Eric shed light on some very surprising results when using the free tools available from the Dept. of Insurance in Colorado.
Rob and Eric are back at it – this week, bringing you a very revealing survey – and it’s equally revealing results!
Rob and Eric bring the news – and discuss one woman’s “choice” of insurance suggested shops. Did she REALLY have a choice?
Rob and Eric update you regarding the ongoing improper and contradictory bullying and harassment of one particularly uneducated insurance adjuster towards an 84 year old woman who filed a claim to repair her Lexus.
Rob and Eric break down line by line the largest insurance company’s systematic denial of an 84 year old’s repair plan.
Rob goes on a bit of a rant, talking about collision centers caving and giving in to big insurance companies cutting corners and saving money at the expense of quality repairs. This is leading to a record number of requests for us to perform post-repair inspections – where we shine a light on the poor workmanship and in many cases, dangerous work being put back on the streets.
Rob and Eric share two of the most overused and abused words in the collision industry: “Industry Standard”. Those words mean very different things to different people… and the insurance industry is using them against you.
Today Rob and Eric review two articles written in the last 2 months that suggest that insurance companies experienced record windfall profits – perhaps in excess of what the law and federal regulation would allow – during the middle of the pandemic when the risk of claims was at it’s lowest, and the driving public was at it’s most vulnerable.
Today, on the Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric discuss a very dangerous situation that is far too easy to get into. As Rob shares the true story of a woman who narrowly avoids a potentially life threatening mistake, Eric shares his own near-deadly encounter with the same dangerous situation.
Rob and Eric discuss the often overlooked pitfalls of paintless dent repair for hail damaged cars.
What happened to the vehicle from last week? Rob and Bob revisit their discussion of last week’s vehicle, and a new app/service from Toyota Lexus of America.
New Lexus/Toyota announcement, interesting owners manual information, introducing Bob Deming as the newest member to the Nylund’s Collision Center team!
Rob and Eric host a frank conversation about who ACTUALLY is the CUSTOMER of the body shop. It may surprise you that MOST SHOPS treat the insurance company as their customer… and that’s just not right!
Rob and Eric discuss quick scanning your car – and why it’s bad for you! The Airing of GRIEVEances takes on the issues in the collision industry from the consumer’s perspective.
Rob is back home, and he and Eric want to share some key information about a few three-letter acronyms that you really should know!
In today’s episode of the Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob goes to Cleveland, Ohio to participate in meetings with SCRS and CIC. Understanding the bigger picture will help you know who to trust, and what questions to ask when it comes to selecting the right collision center.
Yes, drug testing stolen and recovered vehicles is a thing! And more people need to be aware of it. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric address the very real issue of having a drug test performed on stolen and recovered vehicles. There are many safety related issues that show up in stolen vehicles, and if your car has been exposed to even the smallest amount of methamphetamine or fentanyl in aerosol form, you could experience extensive physical damage as well.
When multi-billion dollar body shops and insurers disavow responsibility for a dangerous repair over a technicality, they absolutely choose their profit margins over your safety. You lose every time in such situations. Rob and Eric share the details of another actual case that came through the doors of Nylund’s Collision Center, and the very serious – possibly criminal negligence on the part of the internationally recognized, multi-billion dollar body shop brand and their insurance partners. They put the lives of everyone driving the car – and the children in the car seat in the back – in danger.
A.I. – Artificial Intelligence is here! But WHO is it working for? Tune in to find out what is ALREADY in place to collect YOUR DATA, and watch as Eric and Rob ask the question, “who is all of our information being sent to”? Have you downloaded a “FREE” app from your insurer under the auspices that you can save a few bucks if you’re a good driver? You may be giving away A LOT MORE of your information (and maybe some of your rights – or defense in a court of law) than you know!
Today Rob and Eric discuss a term that you may not have heard of before: First Notice of Loss. There’s a competition going on – who’s fighting to be first – and why?
WARNING!! Controversial Topic Ahead! Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer bring up a very sensitive issue (in the collision industry) to help you better understand WHY it matters when it comes to performing a thorough repair on your vehicle. How do shop technicians and employees get paid? Knowing the answer to this question will likely save you LOTS of headaches when it comes to the actual quality of your vehicle’s repair.
Rob and Eric discuss how to know if your car has been repaired. The next time you ask, ‘ has my vehicle been repaired properly? ‘ you’ll have the confidence you need to make the right decisions.
Rob and Eric answer another viewer’s question: What is my vehicle worth? This video blog is presented by Nylund’s Collision Center of Englewood, Colorado and is specifically directed to the average consumer who may not realize that saving a few dollars on your monthly premiums could end up costing you thousands (or MORE) when you really need them to step up and do the right thing!
Rob answers a viewer’s question: Should I go with the body shop my insurer recommends? We love getting comments from viewers, and in this week’s episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Rob and Eric acknowledge and then answer viewer JN’s question of whether or not to take his car to the body shop that his insurance company is recommending, or should he just pick his own?
Rob and Eric tackle a very real topic: Why follow manufacturer’s procedures? Does it even matter? YES!!! It matters! When the quality of a repair could affect the safety of you and/or your loved ones… or that of the other people driving on the roads next to you… WHO you choose to repair your car – ABSOLUTELY matters!
Join Rob and Eric in this straightforward look at the value of estimators, and the importance of choosing the right one!
Eric calls Rob out on a comment that he made in the last video. Do insurance companies DICTATE REPAIRS by telling body shops: PAYMENT DENIED? And what does the law say about insurers meddling with proper repairs?
You have a right to a proper, safe repair. All too often, insurance companies bully body shops out of making safe repairs by cutting expenses (what they’re willing to pay) and insisting they use inferior aftermarket parts. When that is coupled with the negligence of a shop that doesn’t follow proper OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) procedures, and you have the makings of today’s horrific story: Terror in Texas: The Seebachan Case.
Rob and Eric explore and expose a horrific bad faith estimate by another ‘big box’ body shop – one of the insurance company’s “preferred’ shops – and a Ford Certified shop. It’s a miracle that the young woman whose car was hit from behind wasn’t injured through the negligence demonstrated by an unethical (and all too common) decision to follow profits over people!
Joining Rob and Eric as this week is Danny Gredinberg – the heavy hitter when it comes to understanding how to read, and more importantly, reconcile your auto body estimate! DEG (Danny’s Business) https://degweb.org/
Join Rob and Eric as this week we come clean about the good guys in the insurance industry. Rob’s naming names and calling out insurance companies that are getting it RIGHT! CHOOSE YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CAREFULLY! There are some companies that really are looking out for YOU… and not just their own bottom line. (Here’s a hint: they’re NOT the ones who are spending YOUR MONEY, bombarding you with advertising!)
Rob and Eric chat with Steve Sheehan of AAA Colorado AutoSource about what happens to the value of your vehicle after it’s been in an accident. You might be surprised at how much value you will lose when you go to trade it in – even if it was repaired correctly! And the amount only gets worse when your insurance company cuts corners to save themselves (NOT YOU) money!
Join Rob, Eric and our lead technician, Kevin West as this week we perform a post-repair inspection of another shop’s horrible repair job! If this doesn’t scare you… it should! Negligent (maybe even criminally so) repairs like this one happen EVERY DAY in the collision industry! This is a case of the insurance company cutting corners to save money… the body shop making money (when this car NEVER should have been repaired!) and the customer – a mother who drives her children in this vehicle – being railroaded by a broken system! CHOOSE YOUR BODY SHOP CAREFULLY! There are some very unethical, immoral people out there who put their profits WAY before your safety, and that of your loved ones!
In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve introduces you to John Groome, the General Manager of Nylund’s Collision Center. When you need a body shop, it’s because you’ve experienced some sort of trauma. But not all collision centers are created equal. We will walk you through what to expect when you need a body shop, and how we do it differently!
In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve takes a deep dive into what the law says about aftermarket parts. Specifically, we’ll be addressing Colorado state law, as it relates to the use of aftermarket parts. You’ll be surprised to discover that the current law is only designed to protect the INSURANCE industry! Left hanging out to dry are both the body shop that installs them… and especially YOU!
Who do you trust when it comes to repairing your vehicle? Rob peels away the smoke and mirrors behind the one-sided conversations insurance companies use with you after an accident. There’s a very clear directive to get you to agree to lower their cost of repair – and it has NOTHING to do with your safety, or performing the correct repair! Beware of insurance tactics! You’ll learn a very valuable lesson from Rob’s Dad’s advice!
Eric Reamer explains our reasons for creating The Airing of GRIEVEances video series. He shares Robert Grieve’s heart for YOU, the driving public… and carefully covers the issues that you should be made aware of. We encourage you to share these videos with your friends and family on the social media platforms, as this information could quite literally save lives.
How long will it take to repair my car? That is the number one most asked question that we receive day in and day out. In this episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances, Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer will do their best to answer the question by giving you a behind the scenes look at what REALLY happens when you take your car to a collision center. They will also discuss a dirty little secret about the insurance industry that can (and DOES) cost you money! A lot of money! Watch to the end and be informed!
Ever wonder why your final repair estimate is significantly higher than the original? That’s a load of ENERGY. Here’s how it works: The first estimate is written based ONLY on what we can see. But the truth is… energy travels, and in many cases, things deeper than the surface are also affected by the energy of an impact. And THOSE things also need to be repaired and restored to pre-loss condition. This video blog is presented by Nylund’s Collision Center of Englewood, Colorado and is specifically directed to the average consumer who may not realize that body shops are trusted to repair your vehicle CORRECTLY, and that may include repairs that can’t be seen until the car is disassembled.
Certification is More than a Plaque on the Wall! Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer consider what it means to YOU: THE CONSUMER when a collision center has one or more manufacturer’s certifications. You would think that it means that the repairs get done properly, with the right equipment, every time. But that is not always the case.
The Airing of GRIEVEances – EP 3: Is It Criminal?. Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer offer a casual Saturday morning conversation about the games insurers play to reduce their expense… at YOUR EXPENSE. Is it criminal? We’ll let you decide.
The Airing of GRIEVEances – EP 2: Invoking the Appraisal Clause. Robert Grieve and Eric Reamer offer a casual Saturday morning conversation about the little known, and often overlooked appraisal clause that *should* be found within the pages of your insurance policies. You are strongly encouraged to read your policies, and discover if you actually have this consumer protection, or if you may be one of the millions whose insurance has deliberately left it out.
The premier episode of The Airing of GRIEVEances vodcast, presented by Nylund’s Collision Center. Offering a casual peek behind the curtain of a collision center with candid conversations of topics rarely covered outside the industry. Robert Grieve explains the value and proper use of a torque wrench in an effort to draw attention to the fact that many collision centers, in the name of speed and greed, overlook the use of this safety-related tool. Consumers are advised to be knowledegable about the quality of work, equipment and training of the staff working on their vehicles.