How Long Should Auto Body Repair Time Take?
How long auto body repair time takes depends upon many factors. Here, we will give you some guidelines for what to expect. Keep in mind, these are only estimates, and every repair is unique to a host of variables that we will also explore.
1 Week For Every $1,000
A good starting place for what to expect with auto body repair time is the general rule of thumb that it is likely to take one week for every one thousand dollars on your final estimate. That is to say, if your final estimate is for a $3,000.00 repair, you can estimate 3 weeks for it to be repaired correctly.
That said, let’s take a look at some of the factors to consider.
- First, we are assuming that this repair will be done properly. That may sound ridiculous, but we mention it because so often, insurance companies promise faster repairs when you take your car to their ‘preferred’ body shops. Those same shops often cut corners by using aftermarket parts and rushing the job by leaving out important repairs that they think you’ll never notice by not following proper OEM procedures.
- You may have damage that can’t be seen originally. It’s very common for a repair to require supplemental estimates as the work begins. When a vehicle is impacted, the visible harm is usually only the tip of the damage iceberg. Whatever new damage is discovered will have an impact upon how long it takes to repair your car.
- Replacement parts may be unavailable. Depending upon what type of car you drive, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts may need to be ordered from other countries. Sometimes those parts are backordered, making it even more difficult to affect a speedy repair.
Yes, But Can’t You Give Me A Good Guess?
As long as you understand that what we are offering is nothing but just that – a guess – we’re happy to provide you with the infographic below.

The Guest Should Be Every Body Shop’s Priority
We know you’re looking for answers when it comes to auto body repair time. In the end, it is to everyone’s benefit to repair your vehicle as quickly – and as correctly – as possible. Quality body shops will not rush a proper repair just to get it out the door faster. Your safety, and that of your loved ones hangs in the balance of every repair. And if your insurance company is telling you that it can be done much faster if you go to their preferred shops, ask yourself why they would do that? For the insurance industry it is ALWAYS about their money – their profits.
For more information on insurance company tactics, we invite you to read this article.
How Long Will It Take To Fix My Car?
How to Read a Body Shop Estimate
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