by Eric Reamer | Jun 2, 2018 | aftermarket, Auto Body
EyeSight is 20-20 …Hindsight Can Be Expensive Why do so many insurance companies choose to do business through the rearview mirror? Eyesight might be called for. Recently a vehicle came to us for a severe hail damage repair claim. The car was so damaged, that our...
by Rob Grieve | Nov 7, 2015 | After The Accident, aftermarket, Auto Body, From The Owner
Today we offer part three of our response to an irresponsible article posted by another Denver-area auto body shop. Click Here for our FIRST and SECOND responses. And Click Here to read the original article we are responding to in it’s entirety. The title of the...
by Rob Grieve | Oct 24, 2015 | aftermarket, Auto Body
Recently we posted an article – published by another Denver area body shop that argued the case that aftermarket parts were “just as good as OEM”. (Click here for the article in its entirety, posted on our Facebook page) We asked for the input of industry...
by Rob Grieve | Dec 20, 2014 | After The Accident, After The Repair, aftermarket, From The Owner
You should question the motives of any Auto Body shop that would knowingly use aftermarket and reconditioned parts on their customer’s vehicles. Safety and Value Are Sacrificed If a repairer will sacrifice the quality of your repair without your knowledge by using...