How To Be Prepared For A Car Accident Before It Happens
Preparedness is the key to success and victory – Gen. Douglas MacArthur Are you prepared for a car accident? No one gets into their car thinking that they will get into an accident. In fact, we don’t like to even think about such things. But being prepared for...
EyeSight is 20-20 Hindsight Can Be Expensive
EyeSight is 20-20 …Hindsight Can Be Expensive Why do so many insurance companies choose to do business through the rearview mirror? Eyesight might be called for. Recently a vehicle came to us for a severe hail damage repair claim. The car was so damaged, that our...
What to expect from insurance after a car accident
A recent conversation with one of our guests very clearly illustrates the most common questions and answers between claimants (victims in an accident) and independent repair facilities. Because the proper repair requires the insurance company representing the insured...
Was I Lied To About Industry Standard?
Consumer Alert: Two words have become the weapons of choice in the battle of right vs. wrong in the collision repair business. By design, these two words sound so innocuous that they presume acceptance without consumer’s knowledge that by doing so, they have loaded the gun that is pointed directly at themselves. The two words are: Industry Standard.